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Imagine Church Differently.

Cloud of Witnesses

CCS Principal Maylanne Maybee writes: Ann Naylor tells me that part of life at CCS is we keep fooling ourselves into thinking that once large events are over – like …

Highlights from “Diversity, Transformation, and Hope”

On October 11, CCS was thrilled to host a dialogue between Raheel Raza and Stan McKay on the themes of diversity, transformation, and hope.  Here are some snippets of their …

Laments for Creation

As part of their session on Creation and the Environment during the fall learning circle, students in the Social Ministry Year wrote laments.  Lament is a form of psalm dealing …

Strength and Skills of the Diaconate

“What are some strengths and skills that the diaconate bring to ministry?” That’s one of the questions current students asked the diaconal community that gathered in Winnipeg from October 11 …

Apology to Deaconesses Conversation

The Executive of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario Conference (UCC) will be having a conversation about the 2006 Apology to Deaconesses on Wednesday, November 7, 6:45-8:45 p.m. at Churchill Park United Church, 525 …

Oh What A Weekend It Was – 120th Anniversary Recap

Principal Maylanne Maybee writes: Has CCS ever done such a thing before? Has there ever been anything like it? About 100 people – students and staff, past and present, graduates, …

Marc Remains Involved

Marc Desrosiers, former Development and Community Relations Coordinator at CCS, will continue to volunteer with the bi-weekly “Common Threads” updates and the fall fundraising campaign.  Marc writes: Just when I …

Fall Social Ministry Learning Circle

Amidst all the hubbub of the anniversary celebration, the students in the Social Ministry learning circle have been meeting and working and learning.  We have four new students joining the …

Caryn Douglas honoured as Companion of the Centre

On October 13th, 2012 Caryn Douglas was named a Companion of the Centre by the Centre for Christian Studies.  (In fact, she was named earlier in the year, along with …

Shrub Seeds of Transforming Hope

Marion Pardy’s sermon for  the CCS 120th Anniversary worship service on Sunday, October 14, 2012: Listen to audio (MP3) of Marion’s sermon.   Scripture: Job 14: 7-9; Romans 8: 22-28, …

See You All for the 240th!

A successful and inspiring weekend.  Thank you to everyone who attended. We were blessed to have so many of our honoured Companions of the Centre all in one place.

Anniversary Weekend wrapping up

Yesterday included reflections from past and present CCS principals, a presentation by students, workshops on the action-reflection spiral and ecumenical perspectives on the diaconate, field trips, and a wonderful banquet …

Music for the Soul with Carolyn McDade

Anniversary weekend celebrations continued with a celebration of song and music led by Carolyn McDade tonight.

Anniversary Weekend Underway

CCS’s 120th anniversary weekend kicked off last night with an inspiring dialogue between Raheel Raza and Stan McKay on the subject of Diversity, Transformation, and Hope.  (Watch for clips from …

CCS Twister

If you’ve been a CCS student or supported a student in their field placement, you might have come across the CCS program “placemats”. We use them in orientations to literally …