A Lament for a Lack of Chocolate
On Tuesday, CCS students examined the biblical tradition of lament. Lest you think the session was all gloom and gnashing of teeth, here is a lament written by a group of students who felt they weren’t gnashing their teeth enough … or rather that they weren’t gnashing their teeth on what they wanted to be gnashing their teeth on.
A Lament for the Learning Circle (and Their Lack of Chocolate)
Holy Chocolate Creating God!
We are bereft of chocolate,
on this long and arduous journey called the Learning Circle.
Why are we left without this essential food group?
Why are you hiding your chocolate goodness from us?We remember the good times,
where you always had it available in the past, whether it be Easter, Christmas, Halloween be soon! Birthday, Valentines day, any day!
Why not today??Give us what we want, Oh Lord!
Let the milk chocolate flow, the dark chocolate come into the light,
and the White Chocolate be illuminated!
Josh needs chocolate to lift his spirits and get through this grueling week.
Joy, will accept chocolate, but craves salt, potato chips, pretzels, french fries.
Don will live with white chocolate but quietly demands efruity gummi-bears.
Melanie lives for chocolate and will not last another day of learning without it!
And Maylanne demands only chocolate of the Fair Trade variety!We curse you fruit and vegetable lovers, you carriers of healthy snacks! How can you bring them before God?
God we ask that you change these persons into magnificent lovers of white, dark, and milk chocolate.Give us a sign, a chocolate fountain spraying forth onto token strawberries would be acceptable.
If this happens we will share with all and sundry! And we will make sure you, the creator of marvelous chocolate, is endlessly honoured.We do not currently have chocolate but we do (sort of) appreciate the nourishment we receive from the giftings of fruits and vegetable, kind of.
Comments: 4
Love it!
Now if this had been written among the “Combined Group” of the late 90’s there would surely have been mention of chocolate covered coffee beans!
That was wonderful and worthy of publication. It made my busy gloomy morning.
There would have indeed! And I’m sure we might have also mentioned the “halloween/snack size” bars and variety.
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