Merry Christmas – Embrace the World
Congratulations on still being here! The end of the world not-actually-predicted by the Mayan calendar surprisingly didn’t actually occur. Go figure.
But it is the solstice, and with this longest night comes a shift. Light will grow, days will lengthen, new possibilities will arise. With Christians (and many non-Christians) around the world we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus and the hope that it bring. And along with the many First Nations activists across Canada who are gathering today to raise awareness of the treaty covenants that need to be honoured in our land, we hope and pray for new and better commitments to right relationship. The world hasn’t ended yet, so let’s work together to make it a world of peace, justice, compassion, and respect for all.
The CCS offices will be closed from Christmas until the new year, so please accept our wish to you for a blessed Christmas and a new year full of growth and new possibilities. … Assuming we get to the new year. The calendar on my wall just stops after December 31st, so that has me a bit worried!
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