Videos from March’s Second Fridays – Reconciliation
Last Friday was a powerful finish to the Second Fridays season at CCS. The third session in our Second Fridays partnership with the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre focused on Reconciliation. Steve Heinrichs challenged us to think what reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Canada would look like, and whether talk of reconciliation has any value if it doesn’t address material realities, land, and power redistribution. Stefan Richard drew on personal experience to tell of his journey toward reconciliation, with his father, with his culture, and with himself.
(Also check out Steve Heinrichs’ pamphlet “Paths for Peacemaking with Host Peoples“)
Guests: Stefan Richard and Steve Heinrichs
Stefan Richard is a father, a professional wrestler, a student at the University of Manitoba, and a proud member of the Sagkeeng First Nation. He is a speaker on drug addiction, drawing on his own experience, offering strength and hope through the story of his meteoric rise as a professional wrestler, incredible fall, followed by his eventual redemption.
Steve Heinrichs is Indigenous relations director for Mennonite Church Canada. Steve lives in Treaty 1 Territory, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, along with his spouse Ann and theirthree children, Abby, Aiden, and Isabelle. A former reservist with Christian Peacemaker Teams in Palestine, Steve pastored a Mennonite church in northern British Columbia in a predominantly white, defunct mining village neighboring a Carrier community. Currently, when he’s not traveling around the country, or fretting about the state of the world, Steve enjoys chasing his kids around the house, drinking tea, and reading books. On Sunday mornings, Steve and family walk a few blocks to join Hope Mennonite Church—a community of activists, doubters, and Jesus-followers—for worship, Word, and nursery chaos.
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[…] Conversation on Creation, Land Justice, and Life Together edited by Steve Heinrichs (one of our recent Second Fridays guests), […]
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