Congratulate our 2013 Grads and Companions
On the weekend of April 13-14, 2013, the Centre for Christian Studies will be celebrating six graduating students: Marcie Gibson from Montreal, Quebec; Janet Nield from Toronto, Ontario; Kimberly Roy from Yellowhead County, Alberta; Arlene Ruggles from Wheatley, Ontario; Beth Walker from Victoria, BC; and Alice Watson from Burton, BC.As well, CCS will be honouring Miriam Therese Winter as a Companion of the Centre. (Marion Logan was honoured at a ceremony in Ontario last month, and Jessie MacLeod will be honoured at an event in Nova Scotia in May.)
Leave a comment below if you’d like to pass on your best wishes to the grads and Companions – as a group or individually.
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Dear Grads — Blessings & congratulations on this achievement….I know it has been a long and winding road for each of you — and I wish all good things for each of you as you take the next step on the never-ending long & winding road ahead!
thanks Debra! maybe Ill see you around Hamilton this spring!
Best wishes and congratulations to ALL 2013 GRADS.
Joyfully adding my blessing to your graduation. Enjoy this time and this celebration. It’s been quite a journey. And a new one to begin!
To the grads: In this Easter Season, may your celebrations be joyful, and may this time bring with it many “resurrection moments” of hope and adventure!
To the companions: Congratulations and thanks! You are a blessing to this community!
Congratulations MT on becoming a Companion of The Centre. I would love to see you again and perhaps some day our “paths will cross.” I remember with great fondness your wonderful workshops at Five Oaks.
Congratulations to all six of you who are graduating and beginning the next phase of your ministry journey. My thoughts and prayers will be with you during your last gathering and during the Service of Celebration. A special hello to you, Arlene. I am so proud of you, and I’ll see you soon at London Conference
Thanks Mary Anne, you are a big part of my celebration! See you soon, spring is coming !!
Special greetings and congratulations to Marcie Gibson and indeed to all the grads. It’s been a long journey, Marcie, but I am delighted to hear you are graduating from CCS. Hope to hear further good things from you! Many blessings!
June Dyer
(remember St. Clement’s?)
June, i certainly do. I have thought of you often and of that formative time in my life. Thank you for your support. Many Blessings to you as well, and hoping our paths will cross again.
Congratulations to all the graduates and, in particular, to Alice Watson. Our blessings to you as you celebrate this accomplishment and head into the next phase of your journey through life. We are so proud of you! With our love, Paul & Caroline
Congratulations! Felicidades! to Janet and her colleagues at CCS for accomplishing this personal and professional milestone. On behalf of your friends and colleagues in Nicaragua, I wish you all the best in your path ahead as you brighten the world with your presence and gifts.
Gonzalo Duarte, Director, Companeros Inc
Congratulations to you all, and a particular shout-out to Alice. Your dedication to the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and your commitment to service, is an example to us all. We are so proud of you.
From the prairies comes a gust of love and congratulations to all of you, and in particular our favourite Prairie Woman, Alice Watson. The world is a better place for all of you fine people! We miss you, Alice!!! Love from Alameda and Oxbow!
Congratulations to you all. I celebrate you and your ministry among us. Find some time soon to breathe, give thanks and dance. Deep Joy for your all your days.
Congratulations to all the new grads! Alison and Marcie, it is such a pleasure to see your smiling faces and to know that you have followed your dream of bringing your experiences and wisdom into the diaconal world. Blessings to all of you!
Congratulations to all the graduates! A special greeting to Beth Walker, whose gifts for ministry are much appreciated here in Victoria. It has been a privilege to accompany you on this exciting journey. Celebrate all your accomplishments and rejoice in your new beginning. Greetings also to MT. We had such a wonderful time when you spoke at Epiphany Explorations. Blessings, Megumi
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