For Lazarus and Us
Each month diaconal folks in Winnipeg gather for lunch and reflection at the home of former CCS staff person Ted Dodd.
Today they met online.
Ted offered this prayer:
In John’s gospel, Jesus’s friend, Lazarus, has died.
He lay in a tomb.
In our world today, many are entombed,
and too many have died.
In the shortest verse in the bible, Jesus wept.
The gospel of John paints Jesus weeping for his friend Lazarus.
In these days on our planet, I have to believe that Jesus weeps,
for the death and disease,
the distance and isolation,
the stresses and tensions.
We pray for all those who are sick,
who suffer,
who grieve.
for all those in front line positions
for all those affected economically, socially, mentally, physically and spiritually.
The gospel promise is newness and hope
Is resurrection,
Is life.
May the world know the peace of this promise.
May the promise come soon.
Ted Dodd
Comments: 1
Thanks Ted. This is beautiful. I’m thinking I will use it to start our prayers for the people this Sunday.
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