2019 Annual General Meeting – March 7
Calling all friends of CCS! Please join us for our Annual General Meeting on March 7, 2019 at 6:00pm CST.
If you’re in the Winnipeg area, come by Woodsworth House at 60 Maryland. Come at 5 p.m. and you can have a slice of pizza too. (Please let us know so we have plenty of pizza.)
If you’re from further afield (the CCS community stretches all across Canada) you can join us by Zoom video conferencing or telephone.
Zoom video [ https://zoom.us/j/816182223 ] (If you have technical troubles, email Scott at sdouglas@ccsonline.ca or call him at CCS – ext 28)
Telephone 647 558 0588
Please call 1-866-780-8887 or email Cheryl at the CCS office to let her know you will be participating. This helps us ensure that we’ll make quorum for the meeting.
Folks in the Winnipeg area are invited to Woodsworth House (60 Maryland) for pizza starting at 5:00 pm, prior to the AGM. (Reminder, we try to be aware of sensitivities and allergies. If you plan to bring something to share, please ensure there are no nuts. Let us know of critical food issues.)
The CCS community is spread out across the country, but there are a few pockets where people are close together. If you feel inspired to invite folks in your area to come together, gather around a table with tea or a meal and Zoom in! Be sure to take a photo and send it to us!
And, let Cheryl know you plan to gather so she can pass the word along to anyone near you looking for a diaconal formation/theological education party!
Meeting Documents
Documents to download
Agenda (pdf)
Audited Financial Statement (pdf)
2019 Governance Directory (pdf) (Nominations)
Annual Report (pdf)
Other meeting documents (order of worship, nominations) will be made available shortly. Watch this space or let Cheryl know and she’ll send you the information you need to take part in the CCS Annual General Meeting.
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