Ted Dodd Fund for Leadership
Over the years Ted Dodd has helped many people discover themselves as creative, compassionate, and transformative leaders. Maybe you are one of them.
In recognition of Ted’s lifelong commitment to nurturing leadership, you are invited to make a gift in his honour to the Ted Dodd Fund for Leadership through the Centre for Christian Studies.
This fund will make it possible for future generations to explore their leadership potential.
Contact Lori Stewart (lstewart@ccsonline.ca) for more details, or donate online, or send a cheque with “Ted Dodd fund” in the memo line to the Centre for Christian Studies, 60 Maryland St., Winnipeg, MB, R3G 1K7.
Comments: 1
I am, of course, very excited about this fund. Such an honour.
And such a good cause.
Our present bursaries only cover people who are enrolled in our full diploma program. People who want to take CCS’s Leadership Development Module need to find financial support in order to attend. We just started the LDM in Montreal on Monday and we heard that morning that one of the participants had to withdraw because her congregation didn’t have the monies to support her. In January, in Peterborough, one of the students was only able to attend because she could stay at home and commute. If her only option was to travel, and find accommodation, she would not have come. I have heard that many inquirers want to know if there is funding available. Making a donation will enable students to come, learn, and discern, what their call is.
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