Imagine Church Differently.

Cookies and Carols

CCS is opening its doors to folks who will be in and around Winnipeg on December 15th to join us for our annual “Cookies and Carols” celebration.   This event will …

Annual Fundraising Campaign

First of all, let me share some statistics with you… Last year CCS had 33 full-time equivalent students training for diaconal ministry. It costs CCS $15,163.97/year to educate each student. A …

Tell us what you are doing

CCS is getting a new database sometime fairly soon.  And one of the things we’ve realized is that we don’t know what some of our graduates are currently up to.  …

Theme Year Fall Learning Circle wraps up

The fall Learning Circle for students in the Educational Ministry Year finishes today.  CCS will seem quiet tomorrow, after having 20 students in and around for the past two weeks.  …

1Hope Winnipeg flash mob

On Tuesday, at the Portage Place mall in Winnipeg, there was a flash mob to raise awareness of 1Hope Winnipeg, a group of five outreach ministries in Winnipeg Presbytery.

Stan McKay podcast

Last Wednesday, the Very Rev. Dr. Stan McKay spoke to around 70 people as part of CCS’s Mindful Munching lunchtime discussion.  The topic was “Truth and Reconciliation: Where Do We …

Mardi Tindal visits the Learning Circle

Mardi Tindal, Moderator of the United Church, dropped by the Educational Ministry Year Learning Circle today on her way through Winnipeg.  She brought greetings from the United Church of Canada …

Thanksgiving for Revelation

Thanksgiving for Revelation Creator God genesis of the universe in midnight northern lights in the brooks and birds in meadow=s hush in rainbow colour You come moving over the face …

Litany from Educational Ministry Year Learning Circle

Litany for Christian Education Friday morning, Week One Introduction to Educational Ministry   Fiery, cloudy pillar, you guide our lives. As learners and leaders, may we remember our story of …

Ed Year Fall Learning Circle

The Fall Learning Circle of the Educational Ministry Year at CCS started today.  Twenty students from across Canada are gathered at Woodsworth House for the next two weeks to explore …

Location Change – Stan McKay

Please note, the location of the lunchhour Mindful Munchin’ talk with Stan McKay on Wednesday, October 13th has been changed to Westminster United Church because of the number of people …

Fall Tapestry – Life and Death

The latest edition of Tapestry, CCS’s newsletter, is out.  This edition is on the theme of “Life and Death”.  Check it out.

Prayers for Wednesday, October 6

From staff worship: Oh most blessed light, fill the innermost hearts of your faithful. Without your power, nothing in in humans, nothing innocent. Clean what is dirty, water what is …

IY wraps up / Melanie’s last day

The fall Integrating Year Learning Circle wrapped up today.  The students brought in Indian food from Charisma for lunch to share with the staff, in honour of Melanie Borondia’s last …

Events with Friends of CCS

There are 2 upcoming events – not CCS events, but led by friends of CCS. Carolyn McDade, who was named as a Companion of the Centre in 2002, will be …