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Imagine Church Differently.


Ted Dodd reflects on “Taboo”, an art exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Sydney, Australia.

Second Fridays

Ecumenical Connections – 2nd Fridays videos

Michèle Barr and Virginia Platt reflect on practical ecumenism. Videos from CCS’s noon-hour presentation on Theology of Diversity – Ecumenical Connections.

Leadership Development 2013

2013 dates and locations for CCS’s Leadership Development Module. June 10-22, 2013 at Woodsworth House (CCS) in Winnipeg and August 12-24 at St. Paul’s University in Ottawa


The Bread and the Wine at CCS

Starting in January, CCS will be hosting a Eucharist in the Anglican tradition on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

By The Numbers

Marc presents the outcome of the 2012 fall fundraising campaign.

Three Gatherings, One Vision!

Ann Naylor reflects on 3 recent gatherings at CCS: Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizers of Feast for Friends, CCS’s Second Fridays, and people in solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence and Idle No More.

Idle No More

A reflection on the “Idle No More” movement from Rev. Micheline Montreuil

Maylanne Maybee

Happy New Year from the Principal

Epiphany, which falls on Sunday, January 6, is traditionally a season that focuses on the Church’s mission – deriving, no doubt, from the story of the encounter with the Christ …

Winter 2012 Tapestry

Tapestry – 120th Anniversary Edition

The final edition of Tapestry has been mailed out to those in the CCS community who don’t have email (or who just like holding things in their hands) and is …

Happy 2013

New Look for 2013

It’s a new year, and with a new year comes a new look for the CCS website and blog, a new format for our regular “Common Threads” updates, and new …

A suspiciously Guy Fawkes-ish Starbucks cup

Theology of Simplicity – Second Fridays

Just in time for Christmas comes this reflection from Lynda Trono as part of CCS’s monthly Second Fridays series.  Lynda and Jennifer deGroot presented on Friday,  December 14th, 2012 at …

Merry Christmas – Embrace the World

Congratulations on still being here!  The end of the world not-actually-predicted by the Mayan calendar surprisingly didn’t actually occur.  Go figure. But it is the solstice, and with this longest …

Images of Diakonia 2013

A Lenten reflection on Christian ministry at Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. jointly offered by SSJD and the Centre for Christian Studies. Friday, March 15 to Saturday, March 16, …

Cookies and Carols

Last Friday the doors of CCS were thrown open to welcome our friends and supporters for an afternoon of eating cookies, sipping cider, chatting, and singing well-known and lesser-known Christmas …

Be a part of the Dec. 13 Common Threads

Common Threads is the bi-weekly email update that goes out to members of the CCS community.  For Christmas the editor, Marc, is inviting folks to participate in the final Common …