Imagine Church Differently.
The spring Social Ministry Year learning circle wrapped up yesterday, and most of the students have returned to their home communities to carry on their learning and ministry.
Ted will be on sabbatical in May, June, and July. Have a great time of relaxation, reflection, and rejuvenation, Ted! Here’s what he has to say about his plans:
“By all accounts, the Centre for Christian Studies is like a mustard seed. Smaller than other theological schools. Prolific, economical and tenacious, it grows wherever planted and is able to self-sow.” Pat Thompson’s report on the Program Consultation.
Yesterday and today students led sessions for their peers on Voluntary Simplicity, Food Security, Water, and Human Rights.
On Friday, April 12 the twelve students in the Social Ministry learning circle went out to the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre near Beasejour, Manitoba for a day of reflection on race, privilege, advocacy, and right relations.
Some new books in the library on leading worship in the small church, the arts as a catalyst for spiritual transformation, reimaging stories of violence, and more.
Here’s a gallery of some of Kimiko’s photos from the graduation banquet and Annual Service of Celebration.
“Thank you for taking me in; we nuns are persona non grata among certain people in the Vatican, but they will never find me here.” Miriam Therese Winter led us in singing “Joy is Like the Rain” at the graduation banquet on Saturday.
Musician, poet, liturgist, and teacher Miriam Therese Winter was celebrated at CCS’s Annual Service of Celebration on Sunday, April 14, 2013.
Well, the Annual Service of Celebration weekend is over. It was an important moment for the six graduates of the Diploma in Diaconal Ministries program, but also for all of …
The 2013 graduates of centre offered their reflection on the “landscape of hope” as part of the Centre for Christian Studies’ Annual Service of Celebration.
It’s Wednesday. The Social Ministry learning circle has arrived. The Integrating Year learning circle is in its second week. The Finance Committee is meeting this afternoon. And people are starting …
CCS is seeking a Development Coordinator (.7 FTE) to join their team.
Leave a comment on the CCS website to congratulate the graduates of the diaconal training program or the Companions of the Centre who are being recognized on April 13 & 14.
Two learning circles, a face-to-face council meeting, a banquet, and an annual service of celebration. It’s going to be a busy month!
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