CCS “Calling” Cards
Do you know someone you think might be called to faithful leadership? Someone with gifts for education and transformation? Someone with a passion for justice, or the ability to embody compassion? Maybe even someone you think might benefit from studying at CCS? Why not let them know?
A lot of our students come to us because someone saw something in them – maybe something they didn’t see themselves – and took the time to tell them. You could be that someone!
Let us help you out with that. We’ve printed up a batch of “calling” cards, to help you encourage people you know to follow their calling (and maybe check out CCS if that’s where their calling takes them). There’s plenty of room on the inside for you to write a personal note, telling someone about the gifts you see in them. Contact the CCS office (office@ccsonline.ca ) and we’ll send you a couple of cards, or a stack. Let us know.
Or if social media is more your thing, you can just share the image below by Facebook or email or whatever, with a personal message of encouragement (and maybe a nudge toward our Learning on Purpose leadership development module this summer).
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Love the concept!
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