World Pride 2014
Winnipeg held its Pride parade last weekend, and other cities across Canada are celebrating at this time of year as well. The Centre for Christian Studies is proud to be an Affirming Ministry of the United Church of Canada and a Proud Anglican Institution through Integrity. (View our statement on being Affirming and Proud.)
WorldPride 2014 is being held in Toronto this month, and the United Church is joining the celebration. WorldPride is an international celebration of global LGBTTIQQ2SA communities, being held for the first time in North America.
Check out http://uccworldpride.com to learn more about:
- Worship Services with the Moderator Right Rev. Gary Paterson – June 22 and 29
- Metropolitan United’s InterFaith Pride Fair and Services – June 21 and 22
- The United Church Marching Float and Marching Group in the Pride Parade – June 29 (everyone is invited to join – church groups are asked to register at http://uccworldpride.com/category/parade/ – scroll down)
- Affirm United’s information booth – June 27-29 (sign up for a shift at the booth at http://uccworldpride.com/2014/05/15/sign-up-for-a-shift-at-the-affirm-streetfair-booth/#more-146)
- A short video of the United Church welcoming the world to Canada for WorldPride 2014 – currently being created, to be posted the week of June 9
- Links to worship resources that your congregation can use at any time
- The WorldPride Human Rights Conference – June 25-27, 2014 at the University of Toronto
- And more . . . !
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