Where There’s A Will…
Some people think that wills are for old people, or that if they even say they word “will” they’ll kick the bucket. Maybe that’s why 56% of all adults living in Canada don’t have a will . But the truth is, For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die .
If you die without a will, you have no say in how your accumulated assets will be handed on. Your family won’t either. The government gets to decide, and charges your estate for the work involved. Having a will is the way to make sure your hard earned money continues to benefit those you love and the things you care about. (Some people even put CCS in their wills—but even if you don’t, we urge you to make a will anyway.)
May is LEAVE A LEGACY Month. Now’s the time to make a will if you don’t have one yet.
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