Regional Presentation on DIAKONIA
September is the time when CCS program staff travel far and wide doing field orientations. In between working with students and their learning facilitators and local support committees on the expectations of a CCS field placement and how to get the most out of the learning experience, program staff occasionally take part in regional gatherings. This month Ted is traveling to Alberta and to Ontario. While there he will be inviting people to learn more about the World DIAKONIA assembly that took place in Berlin this year.
The Alberta gatherings (Ontario details still to be determined) will be:
Calgary – Monday September 9 at 11:00am.
Symons Valley United Church
38 Kincora Rise NW, Calgary, AB T3R 0A3
Phone:(403) 274-2361
Hosted by Vicki McPhee
- check in
- worship,
- pot luck lunch
- a brief presentation on the World DIAKONIA assembly Berlin July 2013 by Ted Dodd
Edmonton – Thursday September 12 at 5:30 pm.
Garneau United Church
Suite 123-11148 84 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6G 0V8
Phone:(780) 439-2501
Hosted by Betty Marlin
- check in
- pot luck supper
- a brief presentation on the World DIAKONIA assembly Berlin July 2013 by Ted Dodd, Barbara Lieurance, and Karen Triomphe
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