Annual Service of Celebration 2012 – the videos

Annual Service of Celebration 2012 – the videos

It was a joyous weekend at the Centre for Christian Studies – with the banquet on Saturday night and the Annual Service of Celebration on Sunday afternoon.

CCS Annual Service of Celebration at St. George's Anglican in Wpg

Five students graduated, and two of the three Companions of the Centre for 2012 were honoured.  Many students from the Pastoral Care theme year learning circle were present, as well as many Central Council members from across Canada who were in town for the yearly face-to-face meeting.  Thank you to everyone who played a part in making the weekend a meaningful time.

If you wished you’d been here but weren’t able, here is the bulletin for the worship service.  If you’d rather listen, here is an MP3 (17M) of the service.  (The piano and the congregation weren’t miked, so the music is not as impressive as it was in person.)

And below are some video clips…