Imagine Church Differently.

Lynda Gow – 2014 Companion of the Centre

Lynda Gow was recognized as a Companion of the Centre on March 30, 2014.

Covenant College 50th Reunion

Covenant College (now the Centre for Christian Studies) alumni from the Class of 1963, 1964, and 1965 are invited to a 50th reunion on June 20-22, 2014 in London, Ontario.

New Library Books

Ooh, new books!

Graduation 2014

Seven students graduated from the Centre for Christian Studies last weekend. VIDEO

a thoroughly fake picture of Randy Bachman and Eric Tusz-King

Eric Tusz-King Inducted into Music Hall of Fame

Eric Tusz-King was mistaken for Randy Bachman by a taxi driver, and delivered to the Juno Awards instead of the CCS Annual Service of Celebration.

spiral of words - love faith hope etc ending with a dandelion

Persistent Hope – Annual Service of Celebration 2014

At today’s Annual Service of Celebration 2014 graduates of the CCS Diploma in Diaconal Ministries program reflected on Persistent Hope, and the 2014 Companions of the Centre, Lynda Gow and Eric Tusz-King, were honoured.

Best Wishes to our 2014 Grads

This weekend we will be recognizing the 2014 graduates of the Centre for Christian Studies and honouring the 2014 recipients of the Companion of the Centre Award. Congratulations are encouraged.

Hey Toronto, Come Meet Your CCS Friends!

If you’re a CCS student, or you’ve ever been a student, or ever supported a student, and you’ll be in Toronto on April 23, you’re invited to a gathering. … There’ll be snacks.

Help Us Spread the Word – LDM 2014

This year’s LDMs are in London and Winnipeg. Help us get the word out by downloading a poster to send to a friend or put up somewhere.

Love Your Neighbour, Raise the Welfare Rates

Churches in Winnipeg used their church signs to advocate for increased welfare rates. It looks like it made a difference.

Videos from March’s Second Fridays – Reconciliation

Stefan Richard and Steve Heinrichs reflect on the meaning of Reconciliation at the March Second Fridays gathering.

2014 Pi Day Pie Charts

In honour of International Pi Day (held each year on March 14 or 3.14), here are some pie charts to give you a glimpse of who we are at CCS.

Engage Difference! Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry

June 23-28 – The Canadian Churches’ Forum will be providing a 6-day ecumenical program in intercultural ministry at CCS

Why Don’t My Children (and grandchildren) Go To Church

“When they were young, we took our children every Sunday, but now they’re older and they don’t go. What did we do wrong?”

Mountain-top Moments and the Valleys of Reconciliation

“Like the transfiguration, the TRC is not an end in and of itself on the mountaintop, but a series of revelations in the long and lived valley of reconciliation.” Marcie Gibson reflections on reconciliation.