Category: Reflections

A Prayer for the Church

We will keep practicing love until we get it right:  Drawn to the round table, living in life-centered diversity of community We will keep celebrating the sacred until we embody …

Pray For Us

The Integrating Year Learning Circle starts tomorrow as final year CCS students enter their last two weeks before graduation.  Next week Thursday the Educational Ministry Learning Circle will arrive for …

Black History Month

From Wednesday morning staff worship, February 9, 2011  Background The first recorded person of African heritage to set foot in what would become Canada arrived on our shores some 400 …

Search Result “Fun”

Reflection by Charlotte: It is Monday morning. Coffee in hand, I opened the CCS website this morning to get a piece of information I needed. I was taken aback to …

Groundhog’s Day Liturgy

From this morning’s staff worship at CCS: Hymn: All Creatures of Our God (Voices United #217) All creatures of our God, come sing, with hoof and scale and fur and …

Where Do They Go From Here?

The Centre for Christian Studies is about preparing women and men for ministry.  You may be curious where students end up after they graduate.  In the last decade over seventy CCS …

Food for Thought

Today after our staff meeting we all sat down to enjoy a lunch provided by an anonymous donor. This has happened a number of times before around the Christmas season …

Christmas Wedding Cake

This story was passed  on to us by one of our students, Kimiko Karpoff.  It is a re-write of one of her grandmother’s memories from her time in Oyen, Alberta in …

Advent Candle Prayers

Here are some advent candle prayers I wrote a number of years ago. They won’t be much use for this year but maybe some other time. Advent 1 – Hope …

Thanksgiving for Revelation

Thanksgiving for Revelation Creator God genesis of the universe in midnight northern lights in the brooks and birds in meadow=s hush in rainbow colour You come moving over the face …

Litany from Educational Ministry Year Learning Circle

Litany for Christian Education Friday morning, Week One Introduction to Educational Ministry   Fiery, cloudy pillar, you guide our lives. As learners and leaders, may we remember our story of …

Prayers for Wednesday, October 6

From staff worship: Oh most blessed light, fill the innermost hearts of your faithful. Without your power, nothing in in humans, nothing innocent. Clean what is dirty, water what is …

Prayer for September 15

In the midst of routine and rest of sabbath and sunsets of travel and time off of contemplation and calm In the complex mix of our days of agendas and …

Welcome to CCS Blog

I’m looking at a large black and white photo that sits on the floor of my office, leaning against the wall.  It shows a small group of First Nations men …