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Imagine Church Differently.

Strengthening Aboriginal Relationship Project summary

While we’re in updating mode, here’s a summary of how the “Strengthening Aboriginal Relationship Project” went.  The project made up the first part of the spring Pastoral Care Year learning …

Images of Diakonia update

I’ve added some photos of the diaconal retreat day reflection centres to Ted’s earlier post about the “Images of Diakonia” event held last Friday, where thirty-some people spent the day at …

Affirm United AGM – Coming Out of Exile

Our friends at Affirm United asked us to help spread the word about their annual general meeting this August in Montreal… We invite members, guests, and friends to a celebration …

Images of Diakonia Retreat Day

On Friday, at the Centre for Christian Studies, we had an amazing retreat day focusing on Images of Diakonia through the Easter and Passion stories. We had several learning centres …

New Books at the CCS Library

Every once in awhile we like to give you a sense of what’s new at the CCS.  Here are a few titles we’ve recently added to our collection: Learning to …

Strategies/Start-egies for Making the Vision Reality

Things are quiet once again at CCS. The Pastoral Care Year spring learning circle ended last Thursday.  The following poem by Ted Dodd was used as part of a session …

Annual Service of Celebration 2012 – the videos

It was a joyous weekend at the Centre for Christian Studies – with the banquet on Saturday night and the Annual Service of Celebration on Sunday afternoon. Five students graduated, …

Graduation Weekend

Banquet – including presentation of diplomas to graduation CCS students and introduction of the Companions of the Centre Saturday, March 24, 2012 5:30 Gathering 6:00 Dinner Annual Service of Celebration …

Leave a Message for Our 2012 Graduates and Companions

This upcoming weekend is a big one for the Centre for Christian Studies.  This is the weekend when we celebrate the graduation of five students who have completed their training …

Seven Teachings

The CCS Pastoral Care Year students and a few folks from the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre began three days of learning at North End Stella Community Ministry.  The morning session was …

The Gang’s All Here

Two learning circles started today at Woodsworth House.  The 5 Integrating Year students are here until their graduation on the weekend of March 24/25.  The 16 Pastoral Care Year students …

Images of Diakonia – a retreat day offered by the Centre for Christian Studies

Images of Diakonia: Easter Reflections on Christian Leadership Friday, April 13, 2012, 10 am to 3 pm with Maylanne Maybee, Deacon, and Ted Dodd and Ann Naylor, Diaconal Ministers A …

All About You: Penny Lewis

Penny was an Anglican grad of CCS in 1984.  She writes: “My learnings, experiences and reflections from my time as a student the Centre for Christian Studies are like an …

Springing Forward

CCS Principal Maylanne Maybee writes: Springing forward from a successful Annual General Meeting and year. Last week was a good week! On a personal level, the Human Resources Committee conducted …

Student Recruitment Discussion

At the recent AGM the Task Group on Student Recruitment made a presentation outlining some of their research.  Click here for their report on student recruitment .  (It’s interesting stuff.) …