
Relationships 2022

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

An intensive Spiritual Care learning circle on intimate and familial relationships, sexuality and gender, family systems, weddings, covenants, relationship break-ups, and the role of minister as support.


Power and Privilege 2022

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

An intensive Social Justice learning circle on social location, individual and systemic power, social analysis, and the role of the prophet.


Ages and Stages 2022


An online Education and Worship learning circle on ministry with various age groups, development theory, curriculum, youth ministry, children’s ministry, adult education, ministry with seniors, and intergenerational ministry.


Learning on Purpose 2022

Metropolitan United Chuch, London, ON 468 Wellington St, London, Ontario, Canada

Our two-week intro to learning in community.

Ministry as Community-building 2022

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

October 12-18, 2022 will be Ministry as Community-building. Healthy community can be both the goal and the path to social justice. This week-long intensive will explore the challenges and the joys of community and the role of the church in creating and maintaining healthy and just communities.

Health, Pain, & Trauma 2022

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

October 20-26, 2022 is Health, Pain, and Trauma. This week-long intensive will explore how to be present for people who are suffering, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and how to support resilience through spiritual care.

Living Scripture 2023

A 6-week online Education and Worship learning circle on practical bible study, understanding and interpreting the bible in context, and the theology of revelation. More information...

Worship 2023

A week-long intensive learning circle on liturgy planning and worship leadership, sacraments, and special services. More information...

Integration III 2023

The final learning circle of the Integration year, ending with graduation from the Diaconal Ministries program.

Right Relations 2023

A week-long intensive learning circle on the relationship of indigenous and settler people in Canada, treaty as covenant, truth and reconciliation, indigenous spiritualities, land, and the theology of mission. More information...

Ministry as Listening 2023


A 6-week online Spiritual Care learning circle on ministry of presence, pastoral visiting, prayer, counseling and spiritual direction, pastoral ethics and boundaries.


Learning on Purpose 2023

Centre for Christian Studies 60 Maryland St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Leadership development and learning in community.


Ministry as Storytelling 2023

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

EW01 Ministry as Storytelling is an education and worship learning circle focusing on story in preaching and teaching, scripture as narrative, and the arts in ministry.

Spiritual Practice 2023

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

SC05 Spiritual Practice is a spiritual care learning circle focusing on the history and diversity of Christian spiritual practices, private devotion and communal spirituality, discipleship, and companioning.

Power and Privilege 2024


SJ02 Power and Privilege is a social justice learning circle focusing on social analysis, social location, individual and systemic power, and the role of the prophet.

Integration 3 – Spring 2024

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

The Spring learning circle of the Integration Year.

Ages and Stages 2024

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

EW02 Ages and Stages is an education and worship learning circle focusing on ministry with various age groups, development theory, curriculum, youth ministry, children’s ministry, adult education, ministry with seniors, and intergenerational ministry.

Oppression and Resistance 2024

Woodsworth House 60 Maryland Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

SJ03 Oppression and Resistance is a social justice learning circle focusing on systems of oppressions (racism, sexism, heterosexism, colonialism, etc.), models of change, and theologies of resistance (liberation theology, feminist theology, queer theology, etc.).

Relationships 2024


SC03 Relationships is a spiritual care learning circle focusing on intimate and familial relationships, sexuality and gender, family systems, weddings, covenants, relationship break-ups, and the role of minister as support.

Learning on Purpose 2024

Merging Waters Pastoral Charge 24 Maple St, Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, Canada

Join us for 2 weeks of leadership development in Montreal.