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Ted Reflects on Seventeen Years

Ted Reflects on Seventeen Years

Ted Dodd’s upcoming retirement from CCS was acknowledged in a speech by Scott Douglas at the 2015 graduation banquet.  Ted responded with a thoughtful reflection on what he has loved about his time at the Centre for Christian Studies.

Comments: 2

  1. Marion Pardy says:

    The audio recording of Scott’s thank you to Ted and Ted’s response did not work for me. On my computer there appeared to be technological problems. A major problem, however, is that I could not get sufficient volume for my “hearing impaired” ears. Is it possible to send the script as well as the audio.
    I did not check but it probably is the same for all of the “pieces” of the CCS graudation and annula celebration.
    With appreciation,

  2. Judy Bauereiss says:

    best Wishes on your retirement ,Ted. Please forward to me your retiree e- mail address. Blessings, Judy.

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