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New CCS Office Administrator

New CCS Office Administrator

On behalf of the co-chairs of the Centre for Christian Studies, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Cheryl Thiessen as Office Administrator. Her previous job was with the Manitoba Division of the Canadian Mental Health Association where she coordinated their Education Resource Centre and worked as their Administration and Finance Coordinator, positions that provided her with opportunities to work independently, while also interacting with a small and unified staff team.

Cheryl comes to this position with just the balance of skills we were looking for. She has experience in hospitality and reception, keeping a small office running smoothly, and providing administrative support to staff, an executive director, and a board of directors. Cheryl says she flourishes in a position which involves a variety of tasks, and provides her with new learning opportunities. Her references spoke highly not only of her office skills, but also of her integrity, organizational loyalty, and compassionate people skills.

Cheryl will start on Tuesday, March 3, and we look forward to seeing her at the February 26 AGM potluck supper and meeting.

CCS is grateful to Terry Reilly for her clear mind and can-do approach to her interim role as Office Administrator. We wish her well and hope to see her around!

Comments: 1

  1. Hubert Den Draak says:

    Welcome to CCS, Cheryl! You found a wonderful and very special place to work. Looking forward to meet you in April.

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