Imagine Church Differently.

Welcome to Joy Ooto

We’re pleased to have Joy Oto as interim admin assistant at CCS while the Human Resources folks look for a new staff member.

Upcoming 2nd Fridays – Music and Spirituality and Songs of the Season

Come join us on Friday Dec 13, 2013 at noon for Second Fridays. Charlotte Caron and Barbara Barnett will explore Music and Spirituality.

Passages – Marion Current and Alice Irwin

CCS notes the passing of grads Marion Current (U1958) and Alice Irwin (U1947)

All About – Lois Pollard

Lois Pollard, 91, is a graduate and former librarian of the United Church Training School who followed her calling through books.

A Stitch In Time

Can you sew? If so, CCS needs your skills.

Breaking The Silence – GPE in Guatemala

Three of our students have recently returned from their Global Perspectives Experience in Guatemala as part of the Breaking the Silence 2013 Delegation.

Videos from November’s Second Fridays – The Arts and Social Justice

Fenella Temmerman and Bob Haverluck inspired us with images of wholeness and resistance as they explored the use of art in social change, awareness, and justice at the November 8, 2013 Second Fridays at CCS.

CCS Server is Down

Some time last weekend our network server at the CCS office stopped working.

Upcoming Second Fridays – The Arts and Social Justice

Join us on Friday, November 8 at noon at CCS for Second Fridays. Our guests will be artists Bob Haverluck and Fenella Temmerman discussing the connection between the Arts and Social Justice.

Circles Within Circles

On October 19th three circles intersected – the fall learning circle, the Central Council, and students from the Anglican diakonia course.

Look Well To The Growing Edge

As an organization we are growing in order to widen our course offerings, attract more students from across Canada, and employ another program leader. We need the support of our donors.

Job Posting: Admin Assistant

We’re looking for a new Administrative Assistant to join our team at CCS.

2014 Companions of the Centre Announced

CCS is pleased to announce that in 2014 the Companion of the Centre Award will be presented to Lynda Gow and Eric Tusz-King.

Surprise, You’re Chaplain

Helen Reed reflects on coming to CCS for a meeting two weeks ago and spontaneously volunteering to serve as chaplain in the learning circle.

New Students Dive Right In

The Educational Ministry Year fall learning circle started today, with twelve of the sixteen students entering their first theme year.