Imagine Church Differently.

Making Connections in China

CCS student Tif McNaughton and principal Maylanne Maybee are currently in China as part of a UCC delegation.

Maylanne preparing for trip to China

Principal Maylanne Maybee will be part of a United Church delegation to China

Lori visiting BC

Lori Stewart will be meeting with friends of CCS in BC in December. Want to be part of it?

Perfect Gift?

Hmm, what to give that special friend of CCS for Christmas?

Announcing 2016 Companions of the Centre – Stan McKay and Jim Boyles

We are pleased to honour two long-time friends of CCS as Companions of the Centre.

Book Launch: When God Was Flesh and Wild

Bob Haverluck’s new book will be launched

VIDEO – November Second Fridays – Bev Ridd and Dianne Cooper on Peace

Bev Ridd and Dianne Cooper reflect on the hope and the struggle for peace.

students with statue of Gandhi

Social Ministry fall 2015 learning circle – week three

Social Ministry students wrestled with Truth and Reconciliation

Social Ministry fall 2015 learning circle – week two

Another week of intense social justice learning, along with great celebration and community.

Circling Justice

CCS student Ian McLean attended the Justice Advisory Circle for BC Conference.

Social Ministry fall 2015 learning circle – week one

Social justice and social change, power and privilege, exodus and liberation – some of the themes being explore by CCS students this week.

2015 Field Orientations

CCS students are starting their social ministry field placements.


Have you seen Geez Magazine?  I bet you’d like it. The fall issue of the “quarterly, ad-free magazine for the over-churched, out-churched, un-churched and maybe even the un-churchable” focuses on …

Ted Talks

Ted Dodd was interviewed by Common Threads working group member Jeff Cook. Some snippets.

Integrating Year fall 2015 learning circle

The three students starting their final year at CCS gather this week in Peterborough.