CCS Program Review – Get Involved
Who do you know?
The Centre for Christian Studies is looking for people to participate in a review and re-visioning of our Diploma Program, Diaconal Ministries: Studies in Transformation and Action and our short-term programming. We have been in the planning phase for almost a year and we are now ready to get the review started.
The process is designed to ensure a review that:
- listens to many voices
- draws on the gifts and skills of many people
- uses volunteer and staff time effectively.
We are looking for people who are committed to the vision of CCS and to future transformation, and people with expertise in their fields who may not have heard of CCS.
We need people who ask:
“Why?” “Why not?” What if…?” “I wonder about…?” “Have you ever considered?”
We need people who have experience and their ear to the ground in the following areas:
- new directions/philosophies in adult education
- popular education/community engagement
- using the arts in adult education
- program design and evaluation
- diverse expressions of diakonia
- academic assessment, preferably including familiarity with the Association of Theological Schools assessment process
- technology in adult education
- Indigenous justice, right relations, reconciliation
- global partnerships and global education
- intercultural work and education
- vocational formation
- lifelong learning/continuing education
- directions in ministry and theological education of the Anglican Church of Canada, The United Church of Canada, and denominations in full communion with them.
We are looking for people with skills in research, evaluation, critical thinking, imagination, organization…
We have received a grant toward the cost of this review which will provide compensation for those with particular expertise in critical areas, primarily people who are not connected to the CCS community.
Participants will have an opportunity to:
- talk with other people who share their interests
- explore meaningful concepts and ideas
- reshape an exciting program in theological education
- be re-grounded vocationally
- connect/reconnect with the CCS community.
There are many ways to participate with time commitments that range from a conversation to working with a small group for about a year.
Please think carefully and prayerfully about who you know that could offer their gifts to this process. Think about your friends, members of your congregations, neighbours, people you met on the bus, someone who led a workshop or retreat that you found meaningful…Consider how you might participate. The program review is under the oversight of a coordinating team who will consider each of the names suggested and discern in what capacity they would be asked to participate. Please let us know your suggestions by February 29, including contact information and whether or not you have mentioned this opportunity to them.
We are excited about the review and the promise of transformation it holds. Thank you for participating in making it happen. Please send suggestions to Ann Naylor anaylor@ccsonline.ca 204-783-4490
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