
CCS Friday – Holding a Virtual AGM


Join us for an information-sharing and discussion session on best practices for holding a church annual meeting online using a platform like Zoom.

CCS Friday – The Pandemic of Racism


Join us for an online discussion of the ways in which the covid-19 pandemic exposes long-standing racial divisions and systemic injustices, and perhaps to imagine opportunities for change. Our special guest will be Kim Uyede-Kai

Profiles in Diakonia


Join us for a celebration of diaconal heroes. CCS students present profiles of those who have walked the diaconal path before, and a conversation with 2021 Companion of the Centre, Anne Manikel.

CCS Friday – Unanswered Questions about 9/11


Join us for an online discussion of "Unanswered Questions", Ray McGinnis' recent book (and accompanying study guide for churches) about the families of those killed in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre on Sept. 11, 2001, and their attempts to get answers from their government.

CCS Friday – Painting Canadian Lives: Art and Education


Join us on Friday, February 11, for an online discussion of learning from art and learning through art, and the process of telling historical stories in a contemporary way with artist Kellen Hatanaka.

CCS Friday – Getting Rid of “Us and Them” in the Church


Join us on Friday, October 28 at noon (Winnipeg time) for an online discussion of the processes of exclusion, marginalization, and structural inequality that are often unexamined in the church—what we call othering—and actions that move towards a church of belonging where there is mutual power, access, and opportunity for all people who share the …

CCS Friday – Why First Advent Requires a Second Advent


"Then two will be in the field; one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding meal together; one will be taken and one will be left." - Matthew 24:40-41 Join us for an online discussion of Matthew 24 (lectionary reading for the first Sunday of Advent) on Friday, November …

CCS Friday – Lambeth Learnings


What were the important learnings from the Lambeth Conference about relating and making decisions in a worldwide communion?

CCS Friday – Universal Christ


Our special guest, Min-Goo Kang, will tell his own story of finding his path to God through the lens of Taoism.

CCS Friday – Addiction and Faith


Join us on Friday, March 31, 2023 for an online discussion of addiction ministry with special guest Ed Treat.

CCS Friday – Diakonia During Climate Change


Join us on Friday, October 27, 2023 at noon (Winnipeg time) for an online discussion of climate change and how to respond as faith-filled individuals and as ministers.

CCS Friday – Coping with Loneliness and Isolation


Join in on Friday, November 10, 2023 at noon Central Time for an online discussion of coping strategies for feelings of loneliness and isolation with special guest will be Tracy Fairfield

CCS Friday – Youth and Climate Justice


Join us on Friday, Dec 8 for an online discussion of youth and climate justice. Our special guest will be Amy Crawford, team leader for Faith Formation and Mission with the General Council of the United Church of Canada.