Spirituality of Fandom update
by Tracy Robertson
So far, my rudimentary research project into the Spirituality of Fandom in preparation for my Sabbatical in January has gone very well. I’ve been able to visit and participate in seven events since the start of 2019. Two Comic Expos, Otafest, Two Furry Conventions, and a Superhero and Religion seminar through the Calgary Public Library. I have learned new aspects of fandom at each event, had deep and meaningful conversations along the way, and even led my own panel at a furry convention. I have been connected with several groups who are actively involved in spirituality through fandom and am looking forward to engaging with the University of Halifax and FurScience to pour through some of their research on the subject.

For the remainder of the year, I hope to attend at least one more Expo and if I can manage a decent seat sale, potentially to travel to Yellowknife, Ottawa, and Toronto for their fandom conventions, two of which have indicated I could apply to lead a panel.
Besides the fandoms of comics, furries, gaming, cosplaying, I’ve had wonderful conversations with folks about their passions including reading, quilting, hunting, sports, and church communities. I’ve received more than 25 surveys so far and look forward to having some more face to face discussions with people. It’s been a very enriching experience and I can’t wait to compile and organize it all on my Sabbatical from January to April.
Access the Spirituality of Fandom survey here or contact Tracy directly at tracy@vilya.com or mobile 403-870-3930).
Tracy Robertson is the Team Minister of Nurture, Education and Outreach at St. Thomas United in Calgary. She is a CCS grad, 2012.
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