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Sing for Justice – Micah’s Song

Sing for Justice – Micah’s Song

Thank you to David Kai, Jennifer Lidstone, Meghan Witzel, Ken DeLisle, Ted Dodd, Dianne Baker, and Tim Sale for helping us with this lovely video to help invite people to host a “Sing for Justice” event this fall.

The Centre for Christian Studies has a long tradition of living a theology of justice.  The CCS Development Working Group would like you to raise your voice, raise some spirits, raise awareness of CCS, and raise some funds to support transformative education.  For more information on how you can get involved, check out the Sing for Justice page, or contact Lori at .

Comments: 2

  1. Hubert Den Draak says:

    Gorgeous, it gave me goosebumps. The power of music – and creative use of technology.
    It also reminded me of the celebrated “Playing for Change” music videos (on a much smaller scale).

    • Lori Stewart says:

      Cool, Hubert. Playing for Change was what I had in mind and Scott has definitely hit the right note.

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