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One Order of Ministry Webinar

One Order of Ministry Webinar

UCC folks in the CCS community might be interested in this webinar on Wednesday September 28, 7-8 pm EST,  hosted by the United Church’s United-in-Learning group.

The workshop is for those who will be leading discussions about Remit 6 (“One Order of Ministry”) in their presbyteries or pastoral charges, but it’s open to all who are interested.  It will be facilitated by Michelle Ouwens (CCS grad, 2007) and will feature a number of resource people, including Debra Kigar (CCS grad, 2011).

Here’s what they say about the purpose of the workshop:

Sometimes it’s difficult to distinguish between the different streams of ministry in The United Church. Various surveys have pointed to congregations not being concerned about the differences among the various streams of ministry, but rather deeply concerned about effective and faithful ministry leadership.The reality on the ground is that each stream is commonly appointed or called to similar functions in solo pastoral ministry leadership, including the sacraments.

If this remit is approved, several different educational pathways will lead to a single stream of paid accountable ministry in the United Church known as the ordained ministry of word, sacrament, education, service and pastoral care.

In this webinar we’ll look at the suggestion that the church move to One Order of Ministry, as proposed in Remit 6. We’ll talk about what might be gained or lost if this remit is passed, and the key points that presbyteries and pastoral charge boards/councils need to consider as they prepare to vote on the remit.

For more information , visit the United-in-Learning website.