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Ted Engages Difference

Ted Engages Difference

Last week, Ted was in Toronto taking a course entitled, “Engage Difference: Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry.”  (The same course, organized by the Canadian Churches’ Forum, was run in Winnipeg last year.)  We asked Ted for some of his highlights and memories:

  • As a small group, creating an experiential learning exercise to explore the characteristics of the dominant culture
  • Reflecting on the joy of unlearning racism, we were encouraged to remember that the opposite of joy is not sadness, but fear
  • Examining imaginative possibilities in conflict situations after being exposed to the concept
    • one choice = no choice,
    • two choices = the horns of a dilemma
    • three plus choices = freedom
  • Creating a dialogue between the lines of the United Church Creed and playful, poignant observations about our prevailing white privilege
  • Thinking about the differences between the Forum’s Hermeneutic Circle learning models and CCS’s spiral reflection methodology

“Throughout the six days of the course, I was blessed to meet with a diverse group of participants who shared respect, community and faith commitment.”

Participants in the Engage Difference: Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry event

Participants in the Engage Difference: Deepening Understanding for Intercultural Ministry event

Comments: 1

  1. Gerry Scharff says:

    Thanks Ted, for all the leadership over the years. I’ve always appreciated your work. Retirement is a very interesting place to be, we can bring our passions to all kinds of areas. Blessings.

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