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Music – Image – Sabbath

Music – Image – Sabbath

Ann Naylor was on sabbatical from April to August this year.  During her time away from CCS she explored the use of image in theological education, the role of music in building justice-seeking community, and the place of sabbath in a life of spiritual balance.  Her presentation to the rest of the CCS staff on her return took the form of a powerpoint slideshow incorporating some video clips and some music.  Much of the presentation is silent, inviting a contemplative reflection appropriate to the theme of sabbath.

Ann says…
“The presentation is in four sections – what I did, what I learned, considerations for CCS, and a meditative section at the end to encourage integration. I invite you to enter into the spirit of the images and the music, relaxing into the pauses, imagining the sound of gentle waves when you see water, the call of a loon when a loon appears before you, taking a moment to savour the goodness of Creation and to honour Sabbath as a “pause that transforms” (in the words of Walter Brueggemann in Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW.)

“I want to express my gratitude to the Centre for Christian Studies for this sabbatical leave. A particular word of thanks to my colleagues for the extra effort and responsibility carried during this time. I invite the CCS community to reflect on Sabbath and its call to transformation in our lives, in our churches, and in our world.”

Comments: 6

  1. Terrie Chedore says:

    A very big thank you to Ann Naylor for her video, MUSIC – IMAGE – SABBATH. The idea that we can live into Sabbath rest and, as Brueggeman says, “no longer be defined by and committed to the system of productiveness,” is a remarkable notion. You have visualized and defined a concept that has been bubbling away in the background of my life for months or perhaps years. I am grateful for your words and your wisdom this day. Hallelujah! No more brick-making!

  2. Lynn McGrath says:

    Thanks, Anne for your beautiful video that expressed the true meaning of Sabbath. The compilation of images, silence and music was refreshing. Hearing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah at the end was like icing on the cake!

  3. Mary Elliott says:

    Thank you Ann for sharing this beautiful and meaningful report. I have been exploring the arts and pastoral care these images and music really touched my heart.

    Images can be created with words – John Dominic Crossan – Matrix

    What really matters? – Freeman Patterson

    What sets your heart on fire?

    Mary Elliott

  4. Betty Anne Dempsey says:

    Thank you, Ann…this is a profound and meaningful Sabbath message that has touched me deeply…

  5. Ken DeLisle says:

    Such a journey. Such a gift.
    Powerful, compassionate, loving and challenging.
    Thanks Ann.

  6. Alice Watson says:

    Thank you for this wonderful reflection on Sabbath. Quite inspiring, full of truth conspiring to focus us on taking sabbath intentionally. The choir was amazing, the pictures wonderful, the collage of image and sound and word helpful and enabling. I’m off to see The (w)Holy through music that activates and rests, images that provoke special attentiveness, and the heart’s rest. I may take a few pictures myself!

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