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Begin the Beguines

Begin the Beguines

Beguine_1489Marcella Pattyn, the last Beguine, died on April 14, 2013.  The folks at Anglicans Online noticed that “though this 92 year old was touted as the last living link to a way of life stretching back some 800 year, her death went unnoticed in wider news outlets.”  So they felt compelled to write in praise of the Beguines* – lay women in Europe from 1200s to 2013 who organized their lives around shared religious ideals but did not take vows as nuns – and their distinct way of living out the Beatitudes.

At CCS we consider the Beguines and Beghards part of our spiritual heritage and an important part of the diaconal tradition.  Read the Anglicans Online article here.