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Thanksgiving for Revelation

Thanksgiving for Revelation

Thanksgiving for Revelation

Creator God
genesis of the universe
in midnight northern lights
in the brooks and birds
in meadow=s hush
in rainbow colour
You come moving over the face of creation.

Divine Star maker
source of being
in beauty
in nature
in wonder
You come as the one who has created and is creating.

Divine Artist
in Bach=s variations and Van Gogh=s swirling fields
in Michelangelo=s sculpture and McDade=s passionate music
in Hildegarde= s mystic poetry and Haverluck=s outrageous angels,
You open our senses.

Holy name
in music and song
in craft and picture
in dance and movement
You paint your presence on our souls.

God of scripture
of wrestling angels
of praising psalmists
of raging prophets
You offer insight and wisdom.

God of Abraham and Sarah
God of Moses and Miriam
God of Mary and Peter
in parable, poetry and prose
in wisdom and sacred story
in epistle and gospel
You reveal yourself like an open book.

God of exodus liberation
in slavery overturned
in civil rights addressed
in women empowered
in lives affirmed
You are incarnate in the seeking of justice and the resisting of evil.

God of justice
in wrongs redressed
in powers confronted
in freedoms gained
You reveal yourself loving and serving others.

Jesus of Nazareth
in lessons taught
in healing extended
in tables shared
in tables turned
You reveal life abundant.

God of cradle, cross and tomb
in stable birth
in unjust crucifixion
in Easter hope
In life and death and life beyond death, You are with us.

Holy friend
in hands held
shoulders cried upon
laughter shared
You enter into relationship with us.

God of love
in warmth and support
in challenge and expectation
in affection and intimacy
You reveal that we are not alone.

God of love
in a moment of knowing
in a flash of insight
in a grounding deep
You are there.
You are there.
You are there.

God of
       Ellen and Arlene,
       Beth, Barbara, and Bob
       Carol and Kimberley,
         Kelley and Kristin
       Marcie, Michelle, and Mark,
       Alice and Alice,
       gwen and Vicki,
       Thérèse, Tracy and Ted
         Jackie and Jacqueline and Jamie,
in seasons of self-worth when we know our value and giftedness
in struggles for conversion and transformation when we long for newness of life
in times of self-acceptance when we dare to embrace forgiveness
You are there.
You are there.
You are there.