Imagine Church Differently.

Staff Changes

Last month we said goodbye to CCS Community Resource Coordinator Glenda Knoll.  As you may know, Glenda has moved on from CCS to work with the Mosaic Newcomer Resource Centre.  …

Annual Report

The Annual Meeting is next Wednesday.  If you’re interested in the Centre for Christian Studies, you might want to think about attending.  It starts at 6:00 pm (Manitoba time), with …

Principal Search

CCS is looking for a Principal.  Know anybody with deep commitments to justice, to the empowering of others through transformative learning, and to a collaborative, collegial and non-hierarchical work-style?  Check …

Arts & Hospitality reminder

Reminder: The guest for tomorrow’s Mindful Munchin’ talk is barb janes.  She will be talking about how churches can provide hospitality for artists and the arts.  11:45 am to 1:00 …

Winter Tapestry

The latest edition of Tapestry, CCS’s newsletter, is out.

Black History Month

From Wednesday morning staff worship, February 9, 2011  Background The first recorded person of African heritage to set foot in what would become Canada arrived on our shores some 400 …

Tap on the Shoulder

Do you know someone you could approach about preparation for ministry at the Centre for Christian Studies?  Why not give them a tap on the shoulder?

CCS Annual General Meeting

 The Centre for Christian Studies’ AGM will be held Wednesday, March 2, 2011 from 6-8 pm CST.  The meeting will be held by conference call (unless you live in Winnipeg, in …

Donalda Jardine (1908-2011)

The oldest living graduate of the Centre for Christian Studies (United Church Training School at the time of her graduation) has died at the age of 103 years. Born in Centre …

Search Result “Fun”

Reflection by Charlotte: It is Monday morning. Coffee in hand, I opened the CCS website this morning to get a piece of information I needed. I was taken aback to …

Settler Treaty Card

* from Briarpatch Magazine

Groundhog’s Day Liturgy

From this morning’s staff worship at CCS: Hymn: All Creatures of Our God (Voices United #217) All creatures of our God, come sing, with hoof and scale and fur and …

Mindful Munchin’: The Arts and Hospitality

The guest speaker for February’s Mindful Munchin’ event will be United Church minister and artist barb janes.  She spent her recent sabbatical exploring ways that churches can offer hospitality to …

Patrick Woodbeck Podcast

Last Friday, Patrick Woodbeck of Winnipeg’s Rainbow Ministry, spoke to a group as part of CCS’s regular “Mindful Munchin’” lunchtime lecture series.  His topic was the “It Gets Better” campaign …

Job Posting

An advertisement for the position of Development and Community Relations Coordinator has just been put up on the CCS website, along with a job description.  If you know anyone who …