Imagine Church Differently.

Living Stones

Recently retired diaconal minister Allison Halstead shares  her May 2017 reflection to the Manitoba North West Ontario Conference. I recently hiked Hadrian’s Wall in northern England. A stone wall made of …

Feast for friends

Indigenous people and settler people are invited to join  the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre’s Feast for Friends for a day of learning, listening, sharing and feasting – all in the spirit …

Meet Michelle in Saskatoon

  You are invited to a Reception to meet Michelle Owens as she begins her role as the new Principal at the Centre for Christian Studies. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. …

Praxis begins!

CCS staff person Scott Douglas reports on the first Praxis on-line gatherings. Praxis is a component of the new program structure. The Centre for Christian Studies held its first online …

CCS welcomes new staff!

When CCS embarked on a program review and redesign in 2015, there was no specific intent to roll out a newly designed program immediately. With the program staff team down …

A time of covenanting

God calls us to diaconal ministry.  The gospel of Jesus invites all to this ministry: to offer compassion and accompaniment, to work for liberation and justice, to act as advocates …

First circle of Integration Year

The Integration I Circle has just finished. The four students who are entering their Integration year have headed home; Melanie Ihmels & Tif McNaughton to British Colombia, and Catherine Underhill …

So long. Farewell!

It was a time of celebration and good-bye. Friends, colleagues, board members, Companions of the Centre, students, graduates and CCS staff past and present gathered on September 6 at St. …

2017 Learning on Purpose

Participants from across Canada gather for Learning on Purpose.

Highlights of World Diakonia

Reflections on the gathering of the Diakonia World Federation gathering in Chicago this summer.

Continuing Studies at the Centre for Christian Studies

You don’t have to be a diaconal ministry student to participate in a CCS learning circle.

An Invented Life

CCS grad Terrie Chedore reflects on her calling as a diaconal artist… “What are you doing these days?” That was the question everyone was asking at World DIAKONIA 2017. What …

Welcome to the New Principal

Come meet Michelle Owens, the new principal of the Centre for Christian Studies.

Wishing Maylanne Well

Come wish Maylanne well on her retirement.

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CCS Program Redesign – the Anglican Angle

How could the new program structure benefit Anglicans?