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Imagine Church Differently.

What the Hill?

How many CCS alumni have summitted Mount Kilimanjaro?  You can read about one of them in What the Hill? A Memoir of Opportunities Taken.  This new book tells the life story of …

October CCS Friday – Indigenous Testamur

October 2021 CCS Friday features Keeper of the Sandy-Saulteaux Centre Adrian Jacobs discussing Indigenous testamur for ministry.

What is Church For?

In their fall learning circle, students in the Integration Year brainstormed their thoughts on the meaning of church.

Reflections on UCC Admissions Orientation 2021

Last month (August 25-September 1) the Centre for Christian Studies offered a UCC Admissions Orientation learning circle specifically designed for ministers from other denominations who are entering ministry in the …

The Return of CCS Fridays – 2021

Our monthly online gathering for learning and conversation returns this October 1st.

Images from Learning on Purpose 2021

“I feel like I found an important learning and teaching community; a place where I can explore my own thoughts and feelings about how I experience God in my life and the world.”

Michelle will be Leaving CCS

We are sharing the news that Principal Michelle Owens will be leaving the Centre for Christian Studies at the end of 2021. Michelle is returning to congregational ministry in Ontario, …

34 Students, 2 Circles, 10 Time Zones

The Centre for Christian Studies has two learning circles going on at the same time today, with 34 students coming from 10 different time zones!

CCS Vaccination Policy

To protect members of our community, prolonged in-person events such as Learning Circles and the Face-to-Face Council meeting will be limited to people who are fully vaccinated. 

Asking Unanswered Questions

Ray McGinnis’ new book tells the story of the 9/11 families and the questions their government has ignored.

Anglicans Learning to See with the Eyes of Christ

Lori Stewart attended two online conferences with Anglican colleagues this summer.

Is This Just What We Do Now?

Michelle Owens talks with friends Kenji Marui and Tanya Cameron about responding to tragedies such as the murder of the Afzaal family.

Mondays in May with DOTAC

Marcie Gibson reflects on the series of diaconal seminars offered by DOTAC in May.

Images from Ministry as Community-building 2021

Students explored how to create and maintain community while turning the world upside down for social justice.

Burn Together

Michelle Owens reflects on attending a vigil for children lost to residential schools.