CCS Sunday is an opportunity for congregations to celebrate the work of the Centre for Christian Studies, using stories, videos, and worship resources that lift up the impact of CCS’s transformative education for ministry and leadership.
On this page you’ll find resources from past CCS Sundays. For this year’s CCS Sunday, visit the CCS Sunday page.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Stories to share
Bear Clan Patrol, St. Catharines
Bulletin insert for Bear Clan Patrol pdf
Power & Privilege and Continuing Studies
Bulletin insert for Power & Privilege and Continuing Studies pdf
Worship resources
The Scriptures we are focusing on for the day are: Ephesians 1:11-23 and Luke 6: 20-31.
November 3 is All Saints Sunday, a day when, traditionally, all the saints who didn’t have a designated day were honoured. But a saint isn’t just someone with exceptional faith but everyone who is part of the body of Christ. They are made up of the everyday people that surround us— a complicated mix of sinner and saint—who all strive to live in Jesus’ love. It’s also a day to remember the “cloud of witnesses” – faithful members of our community who have been beacons of love, but who are no longer with us.
In Ephesians 1:11-23 we read about gifts that are present in the community of Jesus Christ: Faith and power that enables our love “for all the saints” [and for enemies]; a spirit of wisdom; the openness of the eyes of our hearts; hope; and an inheritance.
At the Centre for Christian Studies, those saints around us, and those who have gone before, have all been part of sharing the community of love to which Jesus points. In Luke 6: 20-31 , this faith results in radical behavior that models a way of justice e.g. loving your enemies and doing good towards them, blessing those who curse you, praying for those who abuse you, turning your cheek, giving away your clothes and helping everyone who begs. All of which culminates with the simple-to-say, but not-so-simple-to-do prompt to “do unto others as you would have them do to you”.
On this day designated as the Centre for Christian Studies Sunday, we celebrate the ways in which CCS students and graduates are learning a radical way of loving. We celebrate the churches, social ministries, and organizations where they minister or carry out ministry field placements, and we celebrate those who accompany this work: co-workers and colleagues, learning facilitators, mentors, and local committee members who offer their wisdom and help students learn.
CCS Sunday is a day to promote a kind of theological education that is community centered and justice oriented.
Call to Worship, Collect, Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession, Commission, Reflection thoughts (see below)
Cloud source Kimiko Karpoff reflects on her Cloud of Witnesses (downloadable pdf version)

St. Catharines.
Photographs and images
Find photographs to illustrate these stories and uplift CCS Sunday here. This includes banners for your powerpoint.
Or go to and search for Centre for Christian Studies under “people.”
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Stories to share
Living Presence Ministry, Toronto
Bulletin insert for Living Presence Ministry
St. Matthews Maryland Community Minsitry, Winnipeg
Bulletin insert for St. Matthews Maryland Community Ministry
Worship resources
Collect, Call to Worship, Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession, Commission, Reflection ideas
Photographs and images
Find photographs to illustrate these stories and uplift CCS Sunday here. This includes banners for your powerpoint.
Or go to flickr and search for Centre for Christian Studies under “people.”