Category: News

We’ve Joined the Twits!

CCS is now on Twitter. – @CCS_engage

Second Fridays 2014 – Aboriginal and Non-aboriginal Voices in Conversation

Second Fridays presentations in January, February, and March will be a partnership between CCS and the Sandy-Saulteaux Spiritual Centre.

Sheep Fast Asleep

Kuriko Fujiyoshi joined Lori Stewart in leading the Christmas Carol Hitsuji Wa Nemure Ri (Sheep Fast Asleep) this afternoon at CCS’s Cookies and Carols.

Nelson Mandela 1918-2013

Nelson Mandela was a great example of hope, justice, and transformation.

Keeping CCS at the Growing Edges

If you haven’t yet sent your gift to support CCS, it’s not too late. There is still time to get it in before the end of the year to receive a tax-deductible receipt.

Both-And Community with Lutheran Deacons

Ted was part of a retreat for the newly formed Lutheran Deacon community in Minnesota. He offered them some tools for reflecting on community in terms of “both/and” polarities.

New CCS Admin Asst – Meytal Lavy

CCS is pleased to announce the appointment of Meytal Lavy as Administrative Assistant, beginning on December 9, 2013.

Hello, Goodbye

Last week the staff at CCS gathered for lunch to say farewell to Liz Bachmann.

Welcome to Joy Ooto

We’re pleased to have Joy Oto as interim admin assistant at CCS while the Human Resources folks look for a new staff member.

Upcoming 2nd Fridays – Music and Spirituality and Songs of the Season

Come join us on Friday Dec 13, 2013 at noon for Second Fridays. Charlotte Caron and Barbara Barnett will explore Music and Spirituality.

Passages – Marion Current and Alice Irwin

CCS notes the passing of grads Marion Current (U1958) and Alice Irwin (U1947)

A Stitch In Time

Can you sew? If so, CCS needs your skills.

Breaking The Silence – GPE in Guatemala

Three of our students have recently returned from their Global Perspectives Experience in Guatemala as part of the Breaking the Silence 2013 Delegation.

CCS Server is Down

Some time last weekend our network server at the CCS office stopped working.

Circles Within Circles

On October 19th three circles intersected – the fall learning circle, the Central Council, and students from the Anglican diakonia course.