Category: News

2016 Commissionings

Congrats to Jackie and Hubert, commissioned to diaconal ministry

portrait of Katharin Hockin

Katharine Hockin Portrait at TST

CCF has loaned its portrait of Katharine Hockin to the Toronto School of Theology.

One Order of Ministry?

A reflection process on Remit #6.

CCS Friends in Dibley

A number of CCS-related folks were part of a hilarious fundraiser.

Maylanne at Trinity Convocation

Stir Up and Lead Outward

Is there a doctor in the house? Maylanne’s convocation address from Trinity College.

Social Ministry spring learning circle

The spring learning circle of the CCS Social Ministry Year ends today. Images and video.

pelican in flight

Happy Earth Day

May we take good care of creation, cultivating and protecting it for future generations.

A Causa Celebration

Maylanne Maybee will be receiving an honourary doctorate from Trinity College.

Jim Boyles – 2016 Companion of the Centre

Video of Jim Boyles receiving the Companion of the Centre award.

Stan McKay – 2016 Companion of the Centre

Video of Stan McKay receiving the Companion of the Centre Award

Travel On – Reflection by the 2016 Graduates

The 2016 diaconal graduates reflected on the Road to Emmaus.

Images from ASC Weekend 2016

The Annual Service of Celebration provides an excuse for a joyous gathering.

Abundant Love and Fragile Peace in Korea

CCS student Keith Hall’s reflection on the delegation trip to Korea he was part of last fall.

Face-to-Face 2016

Central Council face-to-face meeting overlaps with final Integrating Year learning circle.