Category: Events

CCS Gathering in Victoria

Beth Walker and Barbara Hansen in Victoria are excited! They will be co-hosting the CCS event and are eager to greet you: “You are welcome!” Yes, Friday, March 9th at …

CCS Annual General Meeting – “Celebrations and Challenges”

The Annual Meeting of Friends of the Centre for Christian Studies will be held on Wednesday, February 29, 2012 from 6-8 PM CST By conference call for Friends across Canada …

New Dates for CCS Homecoming Weekend

After much thoughtful and prayerful reflection and discussion, please note that the DATES HAVE BEEN CHANGED for the 120th Anniversary Homecoming Weekend in order to accommodate CCS’s presence at an …

Annual Service of Celebration

This Sunday (April 3rd) at 3pm at St. George’s Anglican Church Crescentwood, 168 Wilton Street, Winnipeg, the Centre for Christian Studies holds its annual Service of Celebration to acknowledge the …

Leave a Message for our Grads and Companion

This upcoming weekend is a big one for the Centre for Christian Studies.  This is the weekend when we celebrate the graduation of five students who have completed their training …

Anglican Friends of CCS, Please Join Us

Thursday March 31 from 4 -5:30 pm at the Centre for Christian Studies (Woodsworth House, 60 Maryland St.) we invite you to join us for punch and conversation about the …

Children’s Spirituality

Our next Mindful Munchin’ lunchtime lecture will be with Amy Crawford, Program Minister Children and Youth at the General Council Office.  Learnabout aspects of children’s spirituality.  Discuss how well the church …

Banquet tickets

Final year students at CCS are eagerly awaiting the weekend of April 2-3.  We anticipate a great celebration that weekend to give thanks for the completion of the program by …

Arts & Hospitality reminder

Reminder: The guest for tomorrow’s Mindful Munchin’ talk is barb janes.  She will be talking about how churches can provide hospitality for artists and the arts.  11:45 am to 1:00 …

CCS Annual General Meeting

 The Centre for Christian Studies’ AGM will be held Wednesday, March 2, 2011 from 6-8 pm CST.  The meeting will be held by conference call (unless you live in Winnipeg, in …

Mindful Munchin’: The Arts and Hospitality

The guest speaker for February’s Mindful Munchin’ event will be United Church minister and artist barb janes.  She spent her recent sabbatical exploring ways that churches can offer hospitality to …

Patrick Woodbeck Podcast

Last Friday, Patrick Woodbeck of Winnipeg’s Rainbow Ministry, spoke to a group as part of CCS’s regular “Mindful Munchin’” lunchtime lecture series.  His topic was the “It Gets Better” campaign …

Where Do They Go From Here?

The Centre for Christian Studies is about preparing women and men for ministry.  You may be curious where students end up after they graduate.  In the last decade over seventy CCS …

Mindful Munchin’: It Gets Better

This Friday, January 21st, Patrick Woodbeck from Rainbow Ministry will be at CCS on January 21st as part of our Mindful Munchin’ series.  His topic is the “It Gets Better” …

LDM Testimonial #3

The third in our series of testimonials about why the Leadership Development Module might be for you: Alice Watson is an Educational Ministry Year student at CCS who attended the …