Celebration Weekend 2024
April 13 and 14, 2024 was the “weekend of everything” in the week of everything in the month of everything! Celebration Weekend is the overlapping of theme learning circle (“Ages & Stages”), an integration circle (the final learning circle of the final year of the Diaconal Ministries program), a face-to-face Central Council meeting, a graduation banquet, and a worship service!
On Saturday morning, students, staff, and Central Council members came together for a session in which the Integrating students shared profiles of influential diaconal ministers, living and dead, and this year’s Companion of the Centre, Marlene Britton, reflected on diaconal education (both education for people preparing to be diaconal ministers and education for all that is grounded in the values of diakonia).
On Saturday afternoon, Central Council went back into its meetings, the Ages & Stages circle went back into session, and the final year students wrapped up their Integration circle.
On Saturday evening, graduates of the Diaconal Ministries program received their diplomas at the CCS Banquet, and enjoyed a festive evening of feasting and fun with the CCS community. We met the Companion, and thanked Lori Stewart who is retiring this year.
On Sunday, April 14 at 2:00 at All Saints Anglican (521 Broadway) in Winnipeg, the Centre for Christian Studies held a celebratory worship service to recognize the graduates – Dan Leaver, Kendra Mitchell-Foster, Rob Murdock, Susan Toller, and Alicia Walls – and to honour the 2024 Companion of the Centre – Marlene Britton.
(See below for video, pictures, and order of service below.)

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