Diaconal Open House for DLMs

Diaconal Open House for DLMs

As you may know, Designated Lay Ministers (DLM) in the United Church who have served 5 years are being asked to discern their call to ordered ministry – ordained or diaconal. To assist DLMs with their discernment, the Centre for Christian Studies is hosting an online open house/conversation on Diaconal Ministry and diaconal calling.

Monday, February 12 (4pm Pacific, 5pm Mountain, 6pm Central, 7pm Eastern, 8pm Atlantic).

This hour and a half session is hosted by CCS (one of the UCC theological schools specializing in diaconal formation) with involvement from DUCC (Diakonia of the United Church of Canada). It will include an introduction to “diaconal call”, some myths and misconceptions about Diaconal Ministry, some information about diaconal community (in the United Church, in Canada, and globally), and some suggestions of continuing education to deepen one’s understanding and connection to diaconal perspectives. There will be time for questions from DLMs and time for small group conversations with diaconal folks. (This session probably shouldn’t replace sitting down for an extended conversation with a Diaconal Minister about their understanding of diaconal identity, but it will be a good start to making connections.)

This event is free. Click HERE to register.