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The New Crew

The New Crew

“I love when people ask me what I’m doing in school right now,” says Rob, “and I get to tell them the most amazing, wild stories.”

Each year students complete their program and graduate from the Centre for Christian Studies, and (hopefully) new students arrive to take their place. In 2024 we had a strong showing of new students. But why? Why did they choose CCS?

“Word of mouth,” says Jenni who came to CCS this year after years in youth ministry, congregational designated ministry, and interfaith studies at The New Seminary in New York. “CCS has a stellar reputation for empowering ministers who offer a meaningful presence in the world.”

Rob was inspired by a conversation with Interim Principal Marcie Gibson. “She laid out for me what happens at CCS and how we’re all co-learners. That was really intriguing to me.”

Vanessa considered various ministry streams in her discernment process. “There are amazing people who work in all streams, but in terms of the training and the concentration and the focus and the commitment to inclusivity and making the church relevant – CCS is where that’s happening.” As soon as she discerned her calling, she felt a sense of urgency.

Vanessa and Jenni in learning circle

Ross also felt a sense of urgency. Noting the troubling events and divisive trends in world news, he wanted to bring people together. “I want to do ministry focused on social justice, and CCS was the obvious choice in a lot of ways,” he says.

Almost all of this year’s new students can tell a story of someone who called them to this path.

Siobhan had never seen a woman in church leadership until she came to Canada. A Diaconal Minister (who is her mentor at CCS this year) encouraged her into lay worship leadership and then into discerning a call to diaconal ministry. “Who’d want to have someone like me as a minister?” Siobhan thought, but her mentor urged her to consider a diaconal approach that is “hands-on, in the community, willing to serve.”

Vanessa remembers thinking, “OK, I’ll go to Learning on Purpose and just see what it’s like.” And then? “Well, you know, Learning on Purpose is amazing!”

Siobhan agrees. “I can’t even describe it! It showed me a whole different side of ministry. The scriptures opened up! Lightbulbs were coming on! I was introduced to social justice. I experienced the people there as living texts.”

Rob loves how adaptable CCS is. “I was actually going to wait until next year to apply because I assumed it would be a lengthy and difficult process. But Marcie assured me: ‘It’s not as big as you’re making it in your head.’ We’ve moved things around a bit to make things work for me. That flexibility has made all the difference.”

Ross appreciates that CCS is small and personal. “I’m welcomed here, which is something I’ve been looking for.”

Carling also loves the learning in community aspect of CCS. She started a Certificate in Spiritual Care program in 2024, but by the end of the first term she switched to the Diaconal Ministries program. “People were saying to me: These are your experiences; these are your gifts and your skills. Now take all of them and use them in a new way.”

Jenni’s first year at CCS has been fantastic too. “CCS has met me exactly where I am and inspires me to embrace the most genuine, spiritually vibrant version of ministry I can provide.”

Vanessa is grateful for all the systems in place to support students at CCS – from Program Staff to learning partners to Diaconal Mentors and all the teams of people supporting different parts. She was initially daunted by everything she was supposed to do in first year. “I’d be crying to my Program Staff person, ‘I don’t know if I can do this!’ And Alcris would be like: ‘This is just a transition; it’ll be OK.’ And by the end of the first term I’m like: ‘OK, I’m doing this!’ And it is OK.”

“I am so thoroughly enjoying my time at CCS,” says Rob. “Even my externals! …This is exactly what I’m looking for in theological education!”

Rob (right) participating in learning circle worship

Comments: 1

  1. Karen Orlandi says:

    I think I teared up several times while reading this. It a unique education for these unprecedented times. Thank God for the staff who reminds us to eat the elephant one bite at a time.

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