Images from IY Fall Circle 2024

Images from IY Fall Circle 2024

Students in their final year of the Diaconal Ministries program come together for the first learning circle of their Integration Year from September 29 to October 4.

This year presented a unique opportunity. The IY students took part in the DUCC national gathering in Drumheller, AB from Sept 24 to 27, then stayed in Drumheller for their fall learning circle.

With CCS Principal Marcie Gibson as their primary program staff, the Integration students explored theological methods, creeds, ministry tasks, and shared their individual learning plans for the year. While there they participated in local Truth and Reconciliation Day events, engaged in community-building and reflection, and stayed warm by the fireplace at the local United Church. (Thank you to CCS grad Rachel Nadon for helping us find a place to meet.)

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