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Come say goodbye to David

Come say goodbye to David

David Lappano has been a member of Program Staff at the Centre for Christian Studies since 2015. As of July 31, 2022 he will be leaving CCS to follow his calling to priesthood in the Church of England.

Some members of CCS staff will have a chance to say goodbye to David in person when he and his family are in Winnipeg in July, but for the rest of us in the wider CCS community who would like to say thank you and best wishes there will be a short online gathering on Wednesday, June 29 from 4:30-5:30pm CDT. This event will include some liturgical de-covenanting, a bit of retrospective storytelling, and time for chatting. Please join us; we’d love to see you.

CLICK HERE to register for a link. (You can register right up to the last minute. It just gives us a sense of who’s coming.)