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Betty Marlin – Order of St. Stephen’s

Betty Marlin – Order of St. Stephen’s

The Centre for Christian Studies joins with others in congratulating Betty Marlin on being awarded the Order of St. Stephen’s College.

St. Stephen’s College in Edmonton is one of CCS’s partners in theological education, and Betty is a graduate of the United Church Training School (now CCS), a former CCS staff person, and a Companion of the Centre (2006). The announcement on the St. Stephen’s website does a good job of lifting up Betty’s many contributions to diakonia, the church, and the world.

Comments: 6

  1. Ken DeLisle says:

    Wonderful news about a remarkable woman.

    She insured and encouraged so many.

    Well done Betty

  2. Susan Tilleman says:

    Wishing you continued amazement in the world of ministry. You have been a blessing to many! May you continue to be blessed in all you do!

  3. Noreen Duncan says:

    CONGRATULATIONS BETTY! Though I know you only from our too-brief time together, hosted by United Church of Zambia sudents in Spring 2002, the pre-planning you arranged for this study tour, information you shared and modelling you did, plus the loving Christ-like person you are to the core-of your-being, left an indelible mark that changed my life forever. For this and for you I am very thankful. Undoubtedly you are a deserving recipient of this Order of St. Stephen’s College recognition now.

  4. Joan Jarvis says:

    What a lovely honour bestowed on an amazing woman…congratulations Betty….with great appreciation and respect for all you’ve taught me over the years (Joan Jarvis)

  5. Kimiko says:

    Wonderful! Betty you continue to enrich and inspire!
    much love

  6. Pat krug says:

    Hey Betty! Wonderful news celebrating some of your achievements! Here’s to your dedicated, persistent, and joyous contributions to church and society! Love to you..Pat Krug

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