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Spring 2021 Circles Moving Online

Spring 2021 Circles Moving Online

It will likely be a huge surprise to no-one that we are moving our spring learning circles online. When we created the schedule for the 2020-2021 school year last spring we were cautiously hopeful that by spring 2021 the covid-19 pandemic would be all wrapped up and we’d be back to business as usual. We’re still hopeful, but realistically it seems safe to assume that we’ll still be observing pandemic restrictions for some time. So, as we did this fall, we’ll be holding our intensive learning circles on zoom rather than in-person in Winnipeg.

With that change in medium comes a few changes in timing. In the past we’ve often overlapped and smushed spring learning circles together to shorten the time that students need to be away from home and to ensure a sizeable student turn-out for the CCS graduation banquet and Annual Service of Celebration. Those benefits don’t exist in the same way when we aren’t gathering physically. So we’ve adjusted our schedules slightly to give students and staff a bit more time between circles.

Here’s the updated schedule for the second term of the 2020-2021 CCS year:

  • Worship – January 12 – February 18, 2021 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This learning circle was always going to be online, with twice weekly sessions spread out over six weeks.
  • Integration 3 – April 8 – 14, 2021. The final learning circle for students in their final year. This circle moves online and starts a few days earlier than originally scheduled.
  • Grad Banquet and Annual Service of Celebration – April 17 – 18, 2021? Tentative plans are being hatched to honour the graduates and the Companion of the Centre in some online format on the third weekend in April. Watch for more details to come.
  • Living Scripture – April 14 – 21, 2021. This circle moves online and adds an extra day so that students can have both Saturday and Sunday off.
  • Grief and Loss – April 28 – May 5, 2021. This circle moves online and starts a week later than originally scheduled, giving students a breather between circles. They will have Saturday and Sunday off.
  • Ministry as Community-building – May 11 – June 17, 2021, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. This learning circle was also originally scheduled to be online, with twice weekly sessions spread out over six weeks.

If you’ve been curious about the Centre for Christian Studies or thinking about continuing education but didn’t want to travel to Winnipeg, this is your year! If you have any questions about CCS circles or our schedule, feel free to contact the registrar at .