Con Ed in 20/21
Looking for opportunities to deepen your understanding, sharpen your skills, or just connect in meaningful conversation about things that matter? Maybe Continuing Studies at the Centre for Christian Studies is for you. Here’s what we’ve got coming up:

SC01 Ministry as Listening – Sept 30 – Oct 7, 2020. In times of uncertainty and isolation, being able to listen deeply is a valuable and transformative skill. This learning circle is being held online.

SJ04 Eco-Justice – Oct 21-28, 2020. In the midst of our health crisis, we can’t forget that the Earth also needs healing. Time to re-evaluate our relationship to Creation. This learning circle is being held online.

MWE Ministering by Word and Example – Oct 31-Dec 7 (twice weekly). A course specifically tailored to Anglicans interested in deacon ministry. This course is being held online.

EW05 Worship – Jan 12-Feb 18, 2021 (twice weekly). Whether the congregation is online or in person, the roots of worship remain the same. This learning circle is being held online.

EW02 Living Scripture – April 14-20, 2021. Does scripture still have the power to transform? What makes scripture a living, breathing part of our faith? We haven’t decided yet if this learning circle will be online or in-person.

SC02 Grief & Loss – April 22-28, 2021. We’re all experiencing it. Do you wish you were more comfortable helping people work through death and loss? We haven’t decided yet if this learning circle will be online or in-person.

SJ01 Ministry as Community-building – May and June 2021 (twice weekly). Community is the basis for social justice. Do you know what people need? Can you bring people together, nurture alliances and solidarity, and help people find their strength together? This learning circle is being online.
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