Wishing Maylanne Well
As principal Maylanne Maybee prepares for retirement this summer, many people are wondering about what happens next for her. Here are the basics:
- Maylanne is retiring as principal of the Centre for Christian Studies as of August 31, 2017 (overlapping with the new principal, Michelle Owens, who starts on August 1.) Maylanne’s last day in the office will be August 18.
- On September 6, a farewell gathering for Maylanne will be held in Winnipeg from 5 to 7pm. (Watch the CCS website for more details.)
- From September through to at least the spring of 2018, Maylanne will continue to live in Winnipeg before moving back to Ontario.
- Maylanne has a couple of trips planned, one to Wales, another to China, and some road trips in between. She also has a few retreat and conference engagements that she’s looking forward to, and hopes to work on a sequel or update to the book on ministry that she edited in 2002.
If you would like to wish Maylanne well, please feel free to leave a comment below. Or send an email. Or come to the event in September and tell her in person.
Comments: 6
Wishing you the very best as you head into retirement. Remember – you won’t be able to do everything you want to do before you leave – do the important things. You already sound like you have a full itinerary planned for the first several months – so have some wonderful trips – hope our paths may cross again as it was a pleasure and a privilege to know you and work with CCS during my time at SSSC! Take care and may your years ahead be ones filled with many Blessings. Mary.
You have brought much connection between the Centre and Anglicans with great spirit and poise which I have appreciated, as well as integrating various groups. I have read all your articles in the e-mails and have followed your travels with interest. You will continue to travel, I see, in your retirement. Do it while you are able!
May you be blessed on your journey into retirement. Perhaps we will meet again in Ontario.
All the best for your retirement, Maylanne. I am looking forward to being with you in Chicago — and leading our workshop together. I am anticipating the September 6 event with eager hopes of roasting and toasting. As you will be in Winnipeg until the spring, I hope you will continue to attend our monthly DUCC gatherings. May this new phase of life offer blessing and peace.
Maylanne, may your next life venture overflow with the joyful, compassionate Presence in and among all you meet and do. Maybe we will meet one day in Ontario.
Hi Maylanne, Looking forward to exploring “refirement” together and to your return to Toronto. What a great transition plan you have in place, and what great things you and CCS have accomplished in your time as Principal. So glad the Spirit led you to ministry within the diaconal community for the completion of your working life. Enjoy the open spaces and time to “be”.
DEar friend : I. Have so enjoyed your messages since you. Have been principal. ITwas great to see an Anglican bein that spot. YOur new plans sound great and if you ever get into GEorgian Bay, especially ParrySOund the kettle is always on. I have wished that Ihavebeen. Younger. But at 80 plusI do the travel anymore. I can must use prayer no was My contribution to the college. I thinkitisdoing a wonderful job since you have been there, Idon,t know if you knew tnatJanet. thumwpod diedon England. she was after me andI think shegraduated in 1958. there. Are few. Of us. Left.
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