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Ann Naylor on Medical Leave

Ann Naylor on Medical Leave

The Centre for Christian Studies is sad to announce that program staff member Ann Naylor is on medical leave.  For a number of years Ann has been undergoing treatment for Parkinson’s, and her doctor has indicated that she is no longer able to work.

We are happy that Ann will have time to focus on her health, but we will miss having her wisdom and presence close at hand for the upcoming school year.

CCS staff met at Ann’s house one morning last week to share coffee and biscuits (Thanks Ann!), to mark the change with worship and prayer, and to talk about the details of transition, coverage, and transfer of work.  Students and Central Council members were informed of Ann’s medical leave last week.  In making the news public, Ann said, “People need to know that I can’t work.  I also want them to know that I’m OK.”

When one of the children in Ann’s Sunday School class wondered about why her hand was often shaking, she explained about the tremors that are part of her condition.    The four year old sitting beside Ann said “Then I will just have to hold your hand”.

We share the sentiment.  We invite you to keep Ann, and the Centre for Christian Studies, in your prayers.  Feel free to leave a comment below.

Ann getting in touch with her inner princess

Ann getting in touch with her inner princess

Comments: 33

  1. Helen Reed says:

    Holding you in Prayer Ann, and the CCS community at the beginning of the educational year.
    May you all be well and sustained by the spirit.

  2. Beth Walker says:

    Prayers for all – Ann you are loved and will be missed!

  3. Ann
    You have been such a foundational role model for me. I often touch back on your wisdom, presence and manner in a kind of “what would Ann do/say?” as I try to model a way of being in community/the world that uplifts, enriches and sustains.
    Sending much love to you.

  4. Debra Kigar says:

    Thank you Ann for all that you inspired in me in my time as a student (and afterwards). Your work will continue through those of us who learned with you. I’m glad to hear you are OK and I pray that there are many close to you to “hold your hand” now and always!

  5. Leila Currie says:

    Such an icon for spiritual wisdom and social justice. Sending love and light to you, Ann, with deep gratitude for your passion that has been so generously shared and rippled out to help create leaders, game-changers, and a gentler world.

  6. Mary Elizabeth Piercy says:

    Dear Ann, You are an ongoing source of inspiration for me and I am so grateful. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Mary Webb says:

    Dear Ann, Sending hugs, love and prayers. You are an amazing person in a lot of peoples lives.

  8. Lyn Workman says:

    Hello Ann, I am a better person for knowing you and learning from and with you. Prayers for you and yours, Lyn

  9. Tammy Allan says:

    Hi Ann,
    I too have learned much from your wise ways of teaching and being with people. Prayers for you as you make this transition. May you find things that feed your soul.

  10. Susan Tilleman says:

    All my love and profound respect Ann. Susan

  11. Annika says:

    Light and Love as you transition into a new way of sharing your wisdom Ann…

  12. Tracy Fairfield says:

    Ann, I’m holding you in prayer as I’m sure it’s not easy to let go of a ministry that God has gifted you in sharing with others. You have had such a profound impact on my life, and obviously so many other people. What an educator and role model and ally you are for me. When I grow up, I want to be just like you!!! 😉
    May god wrap you in comforting arms, and nurture you and your family in this time of transition.

  13. Gwen says:

    “We are happy that Ann will have time to focus on her health, but we will miss having her wisdom and presence close at hand for the upcoming school year.” True words. Ann’s wisdom and work will be felt at CCS for many years to come. May you enjoy family, friends, home, and quieter time, Ann!

  14. Juanita says:

    Hi Ann. Your presence and wisdom will be greatly missed at CCS. Thanks for your accompaniment on such a significant part of the journey. I think of you whenever I have to open that bloody Manual! And every time I sing/teach/hear a social justice song. 🎶 We are going, heaven knows where we are going…🎶. With great affection…Juanita

  15. Elaine Graham says:

    Holding you in the light of peace and prayer.

  16. Hubert Den Draak says:

    I feel sad to hear this, Ann, but I don’t feel sorry for you as you clearly don’t feel sorry for yourself. You’re dealing with this the way I have gotten to know you: faithfully, fearlessly, graciously, and with humour. You will be okay, but you will also be missed. A lot.
    As for me, I consider myself very fortunate to have had you travel with us in our Integration Year, an experience made even more special knowing now that it was your last one. Thank you for being such a wonder-filled part of my faith and ministry (although I have to agree with Juanita: I also think of you whenever I have to open that bloody Manual)!

  17. Alice Watson says:

    Whoa! You will be a difficult role model, teacher and ally to replace at CCS! And you will miss being part of such an incredible learning/journey/process in love, community, reflection and faith development. Mutuality is what you offer. What a gift you are! Your sense of humour, accompaniment, acknowledgement, presence, accessibility, and, yes, grace, were gifts to me personally. I hope that I am paying what I have learned from you forward. I love the idea given above that you are transitioning to a new way of sharing your wisdom–and all of your gifts. Love, Alice

  18. Debbie Coss says:

    Ann, you have been such a gift for the Centre and its community. Your wisdom, your care, your grace have benefited so many including myself. Now you need to reclaim that portion of wisdom, care, and grace to focus on yourself as you move into this next stage. Blessed be.

  19. Blessings Ann as you move through this time. You have been a significant part of my journey as mentor and teacher in so many ways. I have learned so much from you and with you. Prayers and love.

  20. Heather Sandilands says:

    Manuals, M&Ps, asking questions, walking gently, laughing , what “being brave” really means, and so much more, dear Teacher. Thanks beyond words. May knowing others care be like Love’s sheltering wings lifting you as you walk this road, however rocky it becomes. With deep affection and respect, Heather S.

  21. Mary Elliott says:

    Dear Ann,
    I am holding you in my thoughts and prayers. You are a model of wisdom and grace. I treasure so many memories with you as my CCS staff person. Especially our IY final learning circle day at your home.
    Mary Elliott

  22. Yvonne Stewart says:

    I am sorry to learn this news, Ann. Your active ministry will be greatly missed in the whole church community. You have contributed so much to its educational life. Blessings to you Ann in this journey of vulnerability, of depth and ongoing learning.

  23. Barbara Hansen says:

    With this news i am filled with deep gratitude for you being part of my journey as a student, for helping build my confidence in my call to ministry when I struggle with written words and language. Seeing things outside the box is a gift you helped me recognize. I give thanks for your comment about the 4 year old as a reminder how children teach us how we can be – accepting love, accepting change. You model divine presence in change. Thank-you for all the ways you have shaped the ministry of learner/leader at CCS, for your wisdom and for your on-going sharing of your deep faith with all ages!

  24. Jim Boyles says:

    Ann, I’ve appreciated your leadership over these many years, and wish you well as you end work and continue caring for yourself. Many prayers.

  25. Mary Courtenay says:

    Sending prayers for you Ann as you begin this stage of your journey. You will be greatly missed at CCS – but your wisdom will carry on in so many whom you have touched or crossed paths with in their lives. Take care – wish I was closer so could drop in for coffee and a chat! And of course good dog stories!

  26. Nancy Wetselaar says:

    Hey, Roomy. This is sad news indeed. I am glad you are ok and will keep you in my prayers. I know you are surrounded by all kinds of support and love.

  27. Pat Krug says:

    Hi Ann! You will continue in my mind and thoughts as you have in the years before staffing at CCS… your gifts and contributions will continue to be used in yet another way! So discovery is before you. Cannot hold a living treasure back! Love to you!

  28. Laura Balas says:

    Dear wonderful woman! My thoughts and prayers are with you. What a marvelous blessing you are to this Church of ours!!! Laura Balas

  29. Kelley says:

    Ann you have an incredible spirit and I so enjoyed our conversations and the wisdom you shared with us. I hope you find new ways of feeding your kind and gentle spirit.
    Love you,

  30. Gail Clarkson says:

    Blessings to you and yours as you journey and learn more of God. As you taught, I will ponder this in my heart, and hold you in prayer. Your insights will be held and valued.

  31. Tracy Robertson says:

    Since the first time we met, Ann, I think of you daily. You are a huge part of my life! It totally sucks when our bodies betray us but your grace and fight are inspirational. You are held in my thoughts and in my heart. Sending you loads of virtual hugs and, hopefully soon, some real ones!
    Love, Tracy

  32. Carolynne Bouey Shank says:

    Oh Ann, I just learned about your medical leave! I know that you knew that this day would come, but it is hard. I hold you close to my heart as you embrace living this new way. Blessings of Peace and Healing.

  33. Debbie Stockdale says:

    Ann, I am so sorry to hear this. You are on my heart and in my prayers. Thank you so much for all your wisdom and caring over the years. With love, Debbie

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